See you in 2025!
This webpage is updated often until the week after the parade. Please refresh your browser to view updates.
Vote on our Facebook page before next Sat. 11/9th for your favorite pet costume pictures! Donations from this Pay-What-You-Wish Pet Costume contest will be made to Elephant Shoes Animal Rescue this year. Palmyra residency was not required.

Follow us on Instagram!
Thank you to all our 2024 sponsors, participants, and volunteers. Your support made our event another success! All sponsors will be acknowledged in the Palmyra Sun newspaper! Submission deadline was before 10/30 to guarantee newspaper ad publication.
Zombie Sponsors ($1,000 or higher):
Prominent individual banner ad with your logo and website link on the website. Individual XL Sponsor Sign in to the Parade. Social Media Shout-out. Logo and name in newspaper ad.

Monster Sponsor ($500):
Individual banner ad with your logo and website link on the website. Individual Sponsor Sign in the parade. Social media shout-out. Logo and name in newspaper ad.

Witch Sponsor ($300):
Part of group ad on the website. Individual Sponsor Sign in the parade. Social media shout-out. Logo and name in newspaper ad.

Candy Sponsor ($100): Part of Sponsor Group Sign. Social media shout-out. Name in newspaper ad and on website.


The parade began at 7 pm on Wed. October 30th, 2024 along Broad St. from Main/Broad in Riverton, NJ to Park/Broad by Legion Field in Palmyra, NJ.
There was no parking on Main, Howard, and 4th Streets in Riverton for parade set-up. Broad Street in Riverton and Palmyra was close to traffic around 6 pm. The RiverLINE Light Rail continued to operate during the parade. Attendees were asked to be mindful and safe around vehicular traffic and transit (click here for rail transit safety tips)!

Floats/Groups/individuals/Kid’s Costume Contest Participants:

All participants were guaranteed a spot for a memorable pin, candy, and a chance to win prizes. If you win a prize, the parade committee will reach out to you.